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Here is the front of the house before we began work. It was government housing for a verterinary technician who moved a while back.
This is the back of the building. We can re-used the iron sheets on the roof but will need 7 new ones.
A crew is heading into the forest to cut poles for the rafters.
We cut trees of the right size. . .
. . . cut them to length. . .
. . . and peel off the bark.
At the site we dig dimba sand which is a mixture of clay and sand.
This is mixed with clean sand, which is found right at the site, and portland cement to make mortar.
Water is added, it's mixed, and it's ready to use. The wall the woman is sitting on is the new front wall that was built during our last work session.
It is wonderful seeing all your talents being used and appreciated. You have always been a blessing to us here in Ohio. Now you are a blessing to so many others. RuthAnn
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