Religion and church are a big part of life in Malawi, especially the villages. In my area the churches are christian. Unfortunately it is used by many churches to extract money from the already dirt-poor villagers for church projects. Sometimes it is worthwhile, like orphan care, but often it is for grand buildings, vehicles for church ministers and officials as well as salaries and pensions for ministers who are relativley well off. The church does not really contribute anything back to the village in terms of development or improving lives. If as much energy went into development as church fund-raising it could make a difference.
Be that as it may, there are revivals and choir sundays such as this. Several choirs came from other churches to sing and pray.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Choir Sunday
Posted by Jim Hemminger at 3:03 AM
Even though it is just little bits of electricity flying through the ether the contents of this blog are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the US government or the Peace Corps.
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