One day these kids came by and I invited them into the yard to do their thing. They had drums and dancers. No special occasion - just kids having fun.

Like everywhere kids like to play in the dirt. In Malawi most of the dirt is very sandy - like beach sand.

They have created their own little village.

Notice the small pile of branches in the lower left.

Here are Ishmael and
Hagera, the son and daughter of Calvin
Mukhuna, my counterpart. They are
Muslims because they come from another area of Malawi which is primarily Muslim.

A village grocery. These stores have a very limited selection like soap, crackers, small packets of cooking oil, pain killer, occasionally eggs, tomatoes or soda.

This is my outdoor shower - time for weeding!

The corn is
getting big. All work is done with only a hoe. The earth is mounded to cover the weeds.

An African vista.

Passing a trading center on market day on my way to Lilongwe.
Even though it is just little bits of electricity flying through the ether the contents of this blog are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the US government or the Peace Corps.
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