A big crowd of people from Malamula village are coming to present the man they want to be their Village Headman to the Group Village Headman.

Members of Gule Wankulu come along.

The next day is the installation ceremony. This is the Group Village Headman with his wife and child. The GVH has authority over a number of Village Headmen.

The drummers are warming up the crowd.

The prospective Headman and his wife have their heads covered so people cannot see their faces until the proper moment.

The minister of the
GVH makes introductions.

A distinguished army veteran.

Some masked
Gule Wankulu dancers.

This one looks a little like Michael Jackson.

I think this one represents a horse.

This one is some kind of wild man.

Another shot of the minister to the Group Village Headman

The new village headman being introduced to the people.

Some of the important women of the village.

Here I am with my Village Headman, Lipunga, on the left and my Group Village Headman, Kapanula, on the right. These leaders always take the name of the village. They are considered to "own" the village - all the land and people.
Even though it is just little bits of electricity flying through the ether the contents of this blog are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the US government or the Peace Corps.
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